Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hot Chocolate Pot

After the holidays, all the stores decide to clear out their pre-wrapped novelty gift-ready goodies for half price, or even less. For fashionistas, this means big deals on their favorite sweaters, handbags, and jewelry. For foodies, this means chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate.
Sometimes, foodies can find deals on novelty cooking equipment, generally the type that makes something to do with chocolate.
This year, my find was a Hot Chocolate Pot from William Sonoma.

I saw it sitting on one of the sale tables when I went to the mall after Christmas. It was the last one, and I figured it was kind of unnecessary. But when I was about to put it down and walk away, several other women came up and started looking at it, so I made a quick decision that I wanted it and needed it and ran to the register.
I actually wouldn't be surprised if stores hire people to pretend to be interested in last-one sale items to push real customers to buy them. I'm not ashamed to admit that it worked on me. Or that I'm seven years old and love hot chocolate enough to buy a special pot for frothing it.
The idea of the pot is that the frothing attachment on the lid creates a foamy texture in the hot chocolate, so that it's lighter and more restaurant-esque.
Thankfully, I'd already received hot chocolate mix and peppermint marshmallows, so I have all the ingredients for the perfect cup of hot chocolate.

The only problem is that I can't stop making hot chocolate now!
I just add the milk to the microwavable pot, along with the chocolate shavings.

Pop it into the microwave, then add the lid, and push down for 60 seconds.

The result? Foamy, frothy, restaurant-style hot chocolate.

Don't forget the marshmallows...

Full price, $29.95, the hot chocolate pot isn't worth it. BUT, thanks to post-holiday sales, this hot chocolate pot is only $9.99 online here. DEFINITELY WORTH IT. 

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